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Thank you for visiting our website. Please get in touch with for further information on how Impex Consultancy Services can add value to your business. If you would like to receive a quote for our services, email us your specific questions and the nature of your requirements.



Impex Consultancy Services


Admin office                                                                  Regd office

403, 4th Floor,                                                                4, Mahesh Chambers, 1st Floor,

C2, Skyline Wealth Spaces,                                            391, Narshi Natha Street,

Premier Road, Vidyavihar (West),                                    Masjid (West),

Mumbai - 400 086.                                                          Mumbai - 400 009.





Mr. Bhavin Parekh (B.E, M.B.A)                               

Click   to drop a message                                       

T: (022) 3513 2023 / 3513 2024 / 2511 2171                               





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